Special Hard Apple Cider Projects
Wild Series: Wild apples provide characteristics that cannot be found in culinary apples from cultivated trees. Our Wild Series Ciders come from wild seedling trees growing freely throughout the Hudson Valley. These specialty blends and single varietals will all be still ciders, which allows the tastebuds of the hard apple cider drinker to experience the full flavor profile of the cider. Learn more about the Wild Series, click here.
Single Varietals: Our Single-Varietal (SV) ciders are hard ciders produced from just one variety of apples and are available only on the farm. These ciders are a part of our ongoing research into learning exactly how each variety of apple affects the cider profile they create. The ultimate goal is that we will be able to perfect and develop signature blends with a bonus of finding some really tasty single varietals that we will keep around. The project includes ciders made from Braeburn, Rhode Island Greening, Golden Russet, Baldwin, Gold Rush, Pinata, Northern Spy and crab apples which make up our Wild Series. Learn more about our hard apple cider favorites, click here.
As you can see, we are constantly tweaking and refining our hard apple cider making process to create new, unique flavors. Come visit us to learn more about our production process, enjoy a cider tasting, click for information.